
Interested in the debate between supporters of EVOLUTION and those who consider RELIGION backed CREATIONISM provides all the answers then visit:
It is interesting to note that CREATIONISM, in an effort to disguise its religious dogma based tenets, has been re-branded with the deceptive label of INTELLIGENT DESIGN.
One may ask the purpose of the human alimentary appendix as one of many anomalous features in biology that are so fatal to ID theory and thus skated over using obfuscation techniques so typical of other sectors of public affairs.
The Natural World - Contents
All images on this page © the author.
Cameras used: Minolta SRT-101, X700, Dynax 7 and Konica/Minolta Dynax7D.
Select any image for a larger version, including notes. The Wasp spider will take you to a page containing eight images, six of which were taken using a MinoltaDynax 7 with 100mm Macro D lens and Macro Ring Flash 1200. Others were with a Minolta X700 and Vivitar 50mm macro using available light with reflectors.
On the way (really):
A cricket, probably a female Oak Bush-cricket admiring itself in the chrome surface of a bathroom tap.
A bumble bee nest dislodged from a pipe (by neighbour, who's rubbish had helped destroy a fence post) discovered when one of our garden sheds was dismantled.
Feel free to e-mail me with any comments and feedback.
