All images on this page © the author.
These pictures were taken at RNAS Yeovilton on September 29 2001 at a reunion open to all ex-Sea Vixen fliers, maintenance crews and partners. There were also some aviation enthusiasts in attendance.
After the blast!
Dynax 7 and Sigma 50-500mm on Provia 400F at ISO 800, transparency scan at 710 dpi
Sorry folks but without goggles I thought it best to turn away whilst directly behind the Sea Vixen. Those who did not, soon wished that they had. A pair of 11260 lb s.t. (static thrust) RR Avon 208 engines kick out some heat and force even when not at full power. Particularly when on the turn, as here, the throttles are usually advanced a bit to help the aircraft around. Although the nose-wheel steering helped too.
There she goes! XP 924 blasts away from Yeovilton's main runway.
Dynax 7 and Sigma 50-500mm on Provia 400F at ISO 800, transparency scan at 2820 dpi
Some thought it noisy. We veterans remembered the thirty or forty aircraft stream take-offs that frequently made the air vibrate. One legend had it that a Sea Vixen F(AW)Mk1 chased down the runway after a visiting Vulcan and tucked itself into the space between the Vulcan and the deck as they both lifted off. The Vixen then carried out a 'victory roll' around the Vulcan and stood on its tail as it disappeared into the 'blue yonder'. The legend has it that the Vulcan pilot refused to return and land until he had confirmation that the Vixen pilot (name omitted to preserve anonimity) had returned from his sortie. Vulcans were often dispersed from Scampton to specially prepared sites at other airfields around Britain as protection against pre-emptive strikes.
Because of the delay due to the starter hiatus the flying began somewhat later in the afternoon than would otherwise have been the case. By this time a haze was developing near the ground.
Feel free to e-mail me with any comments and feedback. |
