All images on this page © the author.
These pictures were taken at RNAS Yeovilton on September 29 2001 at a reunion open to all ex-Sea Vixen fliers, maintenance crews and partners. There were also some aviation enthusiasts in attendance.
"No! I am not attempting the 'Ski-jump'!"
Dynax 7 and Sigma 50-500mm on Provia 400F at ISO 800, transparency scan at 2820 dpi
About to pull away to go round again for the final time and land. The 'Ski-jump' in the background is used for Sea Harrier familiarisation training and not bods on skis.
As well as fuel, liquid oxygen (LOX) for breathing and luggage the enlarged tail booms contained additional radio equipment.
Approaching the runway for the final time.
Dynax 7 and Sigma 50-500mm on Provia 400F at ISO 800, transparency scan at 2820 dpi
This moment seemed to arrive all to soon.
Feel free to e-mail me with any comments and feedback. |
