
All images on this page
© the author.
The De Havilland Sea
Vixen - A Brief Introduction
January of 1947 the Royal Navy issued specification No. 40/46
and the RAF specification F.44/46 for an aircraft to cover
broadly similar requirements for a night fighter. De Havilland
proposed the DH. 110 for both specifications. At first the RAF
showed greater interest and updated their specification to
F.4/48 in early 1948. About a year later, in April 1949, the
Ministry of Supply ordered seven land-based night fighters
plus two long range fighter prototypes from De Havilland for
the RAF. For the Fleet Air Arm they ordered two night fighter
and two strike fighter prototypes to specification N.14/49.
Gloster Aircraft were to supply four of the delta winged
Gloster GA.5 (which evolved into the Javelin) to the RAF as a
to ministerial machinations and vacillation by the Admiralty,
the Navy was persuaded to drop the DH 110 in favour of
the cheaper Sea Venom, which was thought could be more quickly
evolved out of the RAF Venom, and the RAF chose the Gloster
aircraft instead (which it could be argued was a mistake on
their part). Well that was the idea. But as usual when
politicians have their way, this stopgap measure ignored the
difficulties and expense of turning a land-based plane into
one robust enough for carrier operation. By the time a
satisfactory Sea Venom version (Mk21 or Mk22) became
operational it was still somewhat under-powered and the Vixen
replaced it within a year or two. The best that could be said
of this dilatory policy was that carrier expertise was being
kept alive and developed.
unusual shape of the DH 110 and Sea Vixen was one that grew
out of the already successful twin-boomed Vampire, which had
adopted this plan in order to keep the jet pipe short and thus
minimize thrust loss from the puny centrifugal compressor
turbojets (Goblin) of the day. With the DH. 110 a similar
configuration was used so that two engines could be mounted as
close together as possible thus minimizing asymmetric thrust
in the event of an engine failure. Other advantages were a
more rigid tail construction minimizing flutter at high speed,
easier engine replacement and simplified engine compartment
structure. A tail-less form like the DH. 108 was rejected by
reason of high landing speeds and directional vices at high
were only ever three DH. 110 prototypes the first of which
Hatfield built WG 236 had its maiden flight on September 26,
1951 with De Havilland Chief Test Pilot John Cunningham at the
controls. The date of this first flight is the reason behind
the choice of date for the 'Sea Vixen 50' reunion, September
29 2001 being as close as practicable.
it was WG236 which crashed at the 1952 SBAC Farnborough
airshow killing the pilot John Derry and his observer Tony
Richards, as well as 27 people in the crowd with another 63
injured. An event my father witnessed.
Sea Vixen is an aircraft which has, much overlooked,
historical importance in as much as it was the first jet
aircraft to enter naval service as an 'integrated weapons
platform' using radar and infra-red guided missiles,
Firestreak (Blue Jay whilst under development)on Mk 1 and Red
Top on Mk2. It was also the Fleet Air Arm's first swept-wing,
all weather aircraft and was a significant advance on the Sea
Venom with twice the rate of climb. The Mk2 version is
instantly recognisable by the forward extension of the tail
booms into the bulbous fronted pinion fuel tanks. Some Sea
Vixens were built as Mk 2s but more were converted from Mk1s.
Some of these Mk1 to Mk2 conversions were performed on site at
Yeovilton by a CWP (Contractor's Working Party), indeed this
was the case with some of the Mk2s of 893 Squadron which I
joined in 1966. The conversion of Sea Vixen Mk1s to Mk2s by a
CWP at Yeovilton is rarely, if at all, mentioned in Sea Vixen
related literature. The boom modifications allowed the fitting
of a liquid oxygen system (LOX), for aircrew breathing, in the
port boom, to replace the gaseous breathing oxygen system of
the Mk 1. The aircrew found the starboard boom to be a useful
luggage stowage.
Vixens first equipped 700 Squadron 'Y' Flight at Yeovilton
with eight aircraft. 700Y, under the command of Cdr. MHJ
Petrie, proceeded to carry out trials on HMS Victorious and
HMS Centaur during 1958. The first operational unit was 892
Squadron which, with Cdr. Petrie in command, commissioned on 2
July 1958 and embarked on HMS Ark Royal in March 1960. Later
in 1960, 892 Squadron moved to HMS Victorious, moving again to
HMS Hermes before finally operating from HMS Centaur from
December 1963. From November 1959, 766 Squadron became
responsible for operational and conversion training. In order
to carry out this intensive task 766 was equipped with as many
as forty aircraft and retained a flight of Sea Venoms in the
early years. The Sea Vixen equipped four front line squadrons,
890, 892, 893 and 899 Squadrons. All Sea Vixen squadrons were
based at RNAS Yeovilton (HMS Heron).
carriers which operated the Sea Vixen were HMS Victorious, HMS
Eagle, HMS Ark Royal, HMS Hermes these all operating Mk 1 and
later the Mk2. HMS Centaur operated only the Mark 1, being
retired from service in 1965.
2 Vixens were first deployed with 899 Squadron which embarked
on HMS Eagle in December 1964. The next squadron to re-equip
with the Mk 2 was 893 which embarked (with myself) on HMS
Victorious in 1966. Whilst all other Sea Vixen front line
squadrons rotated through the fleet carriers of the period,
with the exception of Eagle, 899 Squadron did not it being the
head-quarters squadron at Yeovilton, only ever operating from
Eagle. 899 Squadron was the last front line Sea Vixen squadron
which disembarked from HMS Eagle for the last time and
disbanded at Yeovilton on 23 January 1972.
first front line Sea Vixen squadron to embark was 892 on the
Victorious in October 1959. 892 subsequently served on Ark
Royal, Victorious, Hermes, Centaur and then Hermes again when
re-equipped with Mk 2s. 890 Squadron were the next to embark
first on Hermes in July 1960. 890 next served on Ark Royal,
Hermes, Eagle (briefly from November 1964 until January 1965)
and Ark Royal. 890 Squadron's entire embarked service was with
F(AW)Mk1s the squadron only receiving Mk2s when it became the
headquarters squadron from 1967 and then taking over some of
766 Squadron's former training roles. 893 Squadron first
embarked on Victorious in September 1960 afterwards serving on
Ark Royal, Centaur, Victorious (becoming the second squadron
to re-equip with the Mk2 from late 1965 and into early 1966)
and then finally Hermes after Victorious was prematurely
retired when a fire, the damage from which was repairable, was
used as a politically motivated excuse to axe her. As
mentioned elsewhere 899 Squadron only ever served on Eagle and
with F(AW)Mk2s.
The De Havilland Sea
Vixen - Sources of Further Information
You must
see Damien
Burke's " Thunder & Lightnings " web site for
more on the Sea Vixen with a comprehensive list of references
and other aircraft types.
In the meantime here is a
brief list of references to more information on the Sea Vixen.
Richard A. (2006) The De Havilland Sea Vixen. Dalyrmple &
Verdun Publishing.
a refreshing new book on this one time neglected aircraft type
which has gained much popularity through its sheer presence
when exhibited to new audiences over the last few years thanks
to Red Bull sponsorship of XP924 (G-CVIX). XP924 has now been
refinished in true naval colours, 899 Squadron and as she was
during her last Eagle stint, but is now sadly grounded
awaiting sponsorship to cover the cost of insurance.
book is the first I have seen which mentions the contractor's
working party that, in the period 1965-66, converted a batch
of F(AW) Mk 1s to F(AW) Mk 2 standard in a hangar near where
the Fleet Air Arm Museum now stands. There are many
photographs not often published in other works and the
numerous excellent coloured drawings drawings will be welcomed
by modelers. The fuselage details immediately aft of the
radome are here correctly differentiated between port and
starboard with hinge cover detail to starboard and latch to
port. The underside drawing, however, incorrectly shows the
fuel bay cover (immediately aft of the air-brake) as being one
piece. One of the photographs rarely seen depicts 893 Squadron
Sea Vixen (461V) XN652 refuelling a USAF Thud (F-105
Thunderchief) which was in transit from Singapore to Okinawa
in November 1963, XN651 had been 461V but had gone to 899
Squadron and then on loan to 892 Squadron at this time
includes some useful appendices. Appendix I is Technical Data
and includes photograph of cockpit, coal hole, wing-fold and
radar detail. Appendix II details squadron histories with
carrier deployment dates. Appendix III is an abridged version
of the airframe histories listing found in Sturtivant, Burrow
and Howard's 'Fleet Air Arm Fixed-Wing Aircraft since 1946'
Adrian. (2002) de Havilland TWIN BOOMS. Airlife Publishing
excellent, publication 'de Havilland Twin Booms' is
illustrated almost exclusively with colour photographs. Those
of the Sea Vixen are worth the cover price and include a
number of G-CVIX, XP 924. Most of the variants of fin squadron
emblems are amongst the photographs. Not a book for those
interested in detailed technical and historical information.
Philip. (1986) De Havilland Vampire, Venom and Sea Vixen.
Postwar Military Aircraft: 5. Ian Allen Publishing ISBN
Owen. (1962) British Naval Aircraft Since 1912. Putnam,
The following three
aviation magazines contained excellent articles on the Sea
Vixen, all from Key Publishing Ltd. PO Box 100, Stamford,
Lincs, PE9 1XQ. Tel: +44 (0) 1780 755131 Fax +44 (0) 1780
757261 Key Publishing
Web Site
International, April 1991. Vol 40. No 4
Very good with interesting
cutaway drawing.
Enthusiast, May/June 2000, No. 87
Excellent in depth article
but complimentary to above with more information on proposed
future development.
History of the World's Aircraft Carriers, CARRIERS, Air Power
at Sea. Classic Aircraft Series No.8, An AirForces FlyPast
Special, Winter 2001/02
Flying the Sea Vixen. This
from a pilots perspective, that of Chris Blower. 'Sea Vixen
50' gets a mention.
That last above contains
interesting articles by Cdr David Hobbs, curator of the
Fleet Air Arm Museum, entitled: Aircraft Carriers - The
Formative Years' - (1908 to 1939), 'Flying the Gannet - the
last RN fixed wing AEW aircraft', 'British Carriers - Cold War
to the 21st Century'
Cdr Hobbs has also
compiled two volumes of photographs in 'The Fleet Air Arm in
Focus' series published by Maritime Books, Lodge Hill,
Liskeard. PL14 4EL, Tel: 01579 343663 Fax: 01579 346747,
Maritime Books web site,
of which Part Two contains pictures of Sea Vixen operations.
There was an excellent
profile of Dan Griffith who flew XP924 with such elan in:
Winter 2001 (in 'View from the Cockpit' on page 88)
IPC Media Ltd, Room 2308,
Kings Research Tower, Stamford St., London. SE1 9LS.
See also
Telegraph Magazine 25 September 2004
carried a compelling and
thought provoking article relating the experiences of a young
woman trying to find out about her father who had died whilst
piloting a Sea Vixen. Sabine's father was Lieutenant MJW
Durrant who was lost in Sea Vixen XN708 during Lepus flare
(this is what the article states but it was more likely to
have been the more disorienting Glow Worm) illuminated rocket
attacks over Lyme Bay on 25 November 1964. Michael Durrant is
one of many young men who gave their lives whilst flying in
these aircraft during 'peace time' otherwise known as 'The
Cold War'. A promising web site Sea
Vixen, Royal Navy. Carrier Jet, by Martyn Harvy Dean ex
Sea Vixen and Phantom pilot, has recently been started
dedicated to these men and their aircraft. Martyn has also
started an RN Phantom site Phantom
F4K, Fleet Air Arm. Royal Navy
Sea Vixen entry in Owen Thetford's book 'British Naval
Aircraft Since 1912' is headed by a photograph of Sea Vixen
FAW1 XJ520 in 766 Squadron markings with the call sign 711.
This particular call sign is emblazoned in my memory (whilst
an AAA) as belonging to the aircraft that crashed around
midnight on a wet and blustery February night in 1966 but by
this time XJ567 was the 766 Sea Vixen wearing the call sign
711. XJ567 was one of the small cohort of Vixens that had
become my lot to look after with respect to Daily, Before
Flight and Turn-round Inspections (DI, BFI and TR). DIs were
carried out during the early hours after completion of night
flying and assisting in other, heavier, maintenance tasks with
the lads generally being given five or six aircraft each to
see to. At one time we had 36 or more Vixens on squadron
strength. I recall the motley collection of pre-production and
production F(AW)Mk1s which had detailed differences
particularly in respect, from our point of view, of the
positioning of charging points for e.g. hydraulic
accumulators. Even the F(AW)Mk2s on strength had slight
variations according to age of the original airframe or the
date of conversion with a few being Mk2 new-builds.
had, a week prior to the accident, relinquished my position as
one of the 'plane captains' of this aircraft to attend the
'Airmanship School' which was at the site that now includes
the FAA Museum. Many of us in the then 'Venerable Mess' were
just turning in after an evening's run ashore when a pipe over
the ship's Tannoy system called for volunteers to go out and
search for the crew of a downed 766 Squadron Sea Vixen. Those
of us interested, which was most of us as we were all on 766
Squadron, quickly dressed into suitable clothing and reported
to the duty staff at the 'main gate'. As instructed I fell in
the troops, recorded names and then reported to the duty Chief
whereupon torches were rationed out to a few.
arrival at the site of the crash, somewhere in the region of
Queen Camel and South Cadbury, we were formed in line across
the lower slopes of a muddy field and made our way uphill, in
the wind and rain, towards the visible wreck. The aircraft had
driven itself into the soft wet earth nose and starboard wing
down with the tail booms having snapped off and the tail
inverted on top of the wreck. The pilot was recovered from an
adjacent field but the realization of the whereabouts of the
observer, a Qualified Flying Instructor (QFI), caused some
distress as I, by having a torch, had been asked to accompany
Cdr Air to investigate the wreck more closely. Quite a number
of our apprentice class at Arbroath had answered the call for
volunteers for flying duty, I amongst them. Any idea I had of
continuing down that path was quashed that night, I think. I
later met up with one ex-colleague who had become an observer
on Buccaneers and had experienced an ejection after a catapult
aircraft had been on a training sortie and suffered a master
reference gyro (MRG) failure and thus lacked blind flying
instruments. It had become separated from a 'buddy' aircraft
in low cloud on approach at low level. Teams of workers, on
rotation, were camped out in the fields for some weeks
recovering the wreck. Not a pleasant task.
Vixen F(AW)Mk1 XJ520 was the 890 Squadron aircraft flying from
Ark Royal that was lost in the Mozambique Channel on 10.5.66,
confirmed by the listing in, 'Fleet Air Arm Fixed Wing
Aircraft Since 1946' by Ray Sturtivant and Lee Howard,
(Historians Ltd.) (2004) ISBN 0-85130-283-1. Sturtivant
lists XJ 567 as the 766 Sqdn 711 that crashed near Manor Farm
1 mile East of Sparkford, Somerset on 9.2.66. By June of 1966
I had, after a period on 893 Squadron, including a brief spell
on Victorious, returned to 766 Sqdn and recall the dismay
caused by the news of the ditching in the Mozambique Channel
with the loss of the observer, Lt JM Stutchbury, despite the
heroic efforts of the pilot Lt AL Tarver to disentangle the
observer from straps after failure to eject during the rapid
descent of XJ520. The aircraft's port engine had flamed out
after a rapid loss of fuel, an attempt at IFR (in-flight
refuelling) with a Scimitar tanker had failed after which the
starboard engine flamed out. Lt Tarver was awarded the George
Medal for his brave effort.
tragic event came very soon after another unfortunate tragedy
experienced by 890 Squadron, and felt back at Yeovilton, when
Sea Vixen F(AW)Mk1 XN701 was blown out of the sky during a
bombing dive when a VT (variable timed) fused 1000lb bomb,
instead of coming off the wing appeared to exploded whilst
still on the pylon. Lt. Tarver relates this incident in 'Fly
Navy The View From the Cockpit 1945-2000' edited by Charles
Manning, ISBN 0-85052-732-5. But for chance it could have been
Lt Tarver and his Obs' Lt. Stutchbury in the destroyed Vixen,
an unserviceability on the lost crews aircraft had resulted in
a crew swap for operational reasons.
Above: three views of Sea
Vixen F(AW)Mk2 XJ571 as she is now in Solent
Sky museum, previously The Southampton Hall of Aviation.
XJ571 was built as an F(AW)Mk1 and delivered to a Royal Navy
Aircraft Holding Unit at Abbotsinch on 14 May 1960, converted
to F(AW)Mk2 from 13 July 1964 being first flown as such on 19
October 1965 and went via Brawdy to 892 Squadron at Yeovilton
as 301. Like most Sea Vixens XJ571 had an eventful career with
893 and 899 as a Mk1 and 892 and again on 893 as a Mk2. Top
right by Minolta Dynax 7 with Sigma 14mm ultra-wide, the other
two pictures with a Minolta Xi.

Feel free to e-mail
me with any comments and feedback.

